
The Governor's Task Force on Traumatic Brain Injury

Meeting of June 27, 2002

A. Introduction
B. Subcommittee minutes
Registry and surveillance
Advisory Board
Trust Fund Financing Sources
Coordinated State Response
C. Next Meeting

The second meeting of the Oregon Brain Injury Task Force was called to order at 12:20 on June 27 in the Department of Education Building in Salem by Steve Johnson.

Task Force Members:
Mary Bunch, Carol Christofero-Snider, Steve Johnson, Mel Kohn, Sidney Larsen, Anna Mallard, Sandra Moreland, Bill Olson, Eric Peterson
Associate Task Force Member: Martha Morvant
Staff: Sherry Stock
Absent: Bill Allen, Bryan Andresen, Rep. Vic Backlund (special session), Randall Chestnut, M.D., Sen. Bill Morrisette (special session), Laurel Russell.

A. Introduction
Steve Johnson welcomed all for attending the meeting. Bill Olson and Sherry Stock gave a review of new packet information.

Bill Olson stated that included was a copy of a support letter for an Oregon Advocacy Center application to HRSA for a 3 year grant funding @ $50,000 a year. There was a consensus that the letter should be signed and sent.

Bill discussed the email/web site survey that would be sent to task force members for review on July 5, asking that all members review the survey and send any comments to Sherry. All attempts will be made to identify likely newsletters to place information about the survey to increase response rates. Support groups will be notified and asked to participate in the survey.

Steve Johnson moved that Subcommittee Chairs have the authority to invite people to serve on their committees who they feel would be able to add valuable input. All present agreed.

B. Subcommittee minutes

Registry and surveillance
Attending: Mel Kohn, Sandra Moreland, Eric Peterson, Sherry Stock
Absent: Bill Allen, Bryan Andreson, Laurel Russell.

Mel Kohn said that he had worked on a similar project, Louisiana State Registry.
Mel Kohn will draft a statement on why we need a registry, including prevention and linking to services.


Issues to be considered and discussed at the next meeting: should we include Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) as well as TBI or not?

Data Sources identified and tasks assigned:
Mel Kohn: hospital discharge data
State Trauma Registry data
Death Certificate data

Sandra Moreland: Assisted living - resident services data
Schools and DD area information

Randall Chesnut: Model Systems data
Identify other possible sources for data

Sherry Stock: Information from other states on their registry and surveillance programs: funding sources, number of staff, locations, copies of legislation for each.

Advisory Board
Attended: Mary Bunch (Chair), Bill Olson, Carol Cristofero-Snider, Steve Johnson, Mel Kohn, Eric Peterson, Jane-ellen Weidanz (DHS Liaison).
Absent: Bryan Andreson, Vic Backlund (special session), Anna Mallard

Mary Bunch presided over the meeting. Introductions were made, Jane-ellen introduced herself.

Scope of task:

  • Advisory and recommending body
  • if trust fund - it can add other functions following he Arizona model

Jane-ellen's Overview of Successful Boards:

  • Most successful Commission/Boards are created by Statute, many of those that are not feel disenfranchised
  • 3 year terms - perhaps maximum of 2 3 year terms with one year off
  • 50-60% appointed by Governor-some are confirmed by the Senate
  • 75% have a chair appointed by the Governor
  • Funding: travel is $30 per diem for in state; meeting with 15-20 people will be about $4000 for single meeting expenses without adding in personnel; need about $150,000 for over night/travel/meals, reports/research/reimbursement for travel
  • 15 is a very good size without counting legislators
  • Most have Executive Director or staff; if they have programs they need more staff
  • If your funds run through DHS you must report to DHS
  • Review of some Commissions to look at for possible models:
  • Senior Citizen Commission
  • Have 3 year term
  • Appointed by Governor, except for two confirmed by Senate
  • DHS support mandated
  • Structure to justify as federal match as with Long Term care
  • State Rehab Council
  • Given clout by federal law
  • DD gets most of their funds from Federal source and has more leeway, 'reviews and approves'
  • Review 410-Senior Services

Advisory Board-what is it-who care we serving

  • With trust fund would be reviewing grants funding community needs-HUD housing units
  • Addressing policy issues and advise how coordinated response works
  • Have a focal point-policy needs to be key focus bringing people together that don't normally come together.
  • Advocacy/promoting advocacy
  • Advising on state budget-directing funding

a) Frequency of meetings: There is a wide discrepancy about how active advisory councils are and how often they meet-most successful ones meet at least 9 times a year
b) Appointments: by Governor with Senate confirmation as appropriate
c) Term limits: yes; Two consecutive full terms of 3 years; could serve a partial and 2 terms; could go off for a year and then be reappointed
d) Term: 3 years
e) Mission:

  • Advocacy
  • Promote awareness
  • Develop State plan
  • Insure multi-agency oversight responsibility and authority, e.g., ODE and DHS

f) Where housed? Freestanding or DHS or?
g) Representation: Focus on people affected

  • Survivors and family members %
  • Service providers
  • Professional-academia-research
  • Agency staff with authority to represent their agencies
  • DHS
  • ODE
  • Justice: DOC, OYA, County Sheriffs (jail), Local Police, Courts (Judicial)
  • Legislative Assembly Representation


  • Council to include agency staff as voting members or ex-offico? No agreement
  • Most important issue-People with TBI are falling through the cracks
  • Maybe able to blend into the existing system // make the existing system better} coordinated
  • A must: have a program office on TBI
  • Critical Issues:
    • Advisory or establish policy/make demands on existing agencies
    • Relationship to multiple agencies and line of authority very important
    • Councils and Commissions rarely have authority
    • Goal is that we shall approve all policy on services to people with TBI-review and approve

Trust Fund Financing Sources
Attended: Sid Laren (Chair), Mary Bunch, Carol Cristofero-Snider (Co-Chair), Steve Johnson, Bill Olson.
Absent: Vic Backlund (special session), Bill Morrisette (special session)

Introduction and scope

  • Provide context for Trust Fund - rationale
  • Benefits to ABI as well as TBI
  • Issue: Spinal Cord vs. TBI only
  • Use model program for analysis
  • Grant program with criteria


  • License reinstatements
  • Target desired revenue amount (per capita comparison)
  • Need expertise - provide assumptions and basic determination
  • ATV
  • Motor cycles
  • Water craft
  • License and registration
  • Check off on taxes
  • Lottery


  • Emphasize those that can leverage other dollars, e.g., Medicare on voc rehab (A2)
  • Free standing or attached to agency
  • Consider SB1183 revised

1. Context and rationale for Trust Fund
2. Number of dollars sought
3. Sources:

  • License reinstatement
  • Victim's Assistance Funds
  • Morrisette to help research?

Coordinated State Response
Goal of the system would be when a person with BI and their family go into state agency they will receive appropriate help and contacts-'one stop shopping.'

Attended: Anna Mallard (Vice-Chair), Sandra Moreland (Chair), Bill Olson, Eric Peterson.
Absent: Bill Allen, Sid Larsen, Bill Morrisette, Laurel Russell.

Meeting of this subcommittee was postponed until Friday, July 12, 10 am.

 C. Next Meeting

The next general meeting, August 22, 2002. Subcommittee meeting times will be arranged by committee chairs as soon as possible by email consensus of available time and date.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm., will be sent out as soon as possible.

Minutes submitted by: Sherry Stock

The Governor's Task Force on Traumatic Brain Injury is supported by grant number 1 H21MC00043-01 from the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
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